Produce charts of component availability at JLCPCB from a BOM Mirrored from
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from flask import (
Blueprint, flash, g, redirect, render_template, request, url_for
from werkzeug.exceptions import abort
import json
from .db import get_db
bp = Blueprint('components', __name__, url_prefix='/components')
def components(components):
db = get_db()
results = []
for component in components:
rows = db.execute("""SELECT timestamp, json_extract(data, '$.data.stockCount') AS stock FROM components WHERE id=? ORDER BY timestamp;""", (component,)).fetchall()
# if not rows:
# abort(404, f"Component {component} doesn't exist.")
data = []
for row in rows:
data.append({'timestamp' : row['timestamp'], 'value' : row['stock']})
row = db.execute("""SELECT timestamp, data FROM components WHERE id=? ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1;""", (component,)).fetchone()
#if row is None:
# abort(404, f"Error retrieving component {component}.")
details = json.loads(row['data'])
code = details['data']['componentCode']
name = details['data']['componentName']
code = component
name = "Not Found"
results.append({'data': data, 'id': component, 'code': code, 'name': name})
return render_template('component.html', components=results)